Saturday, January 9, 2010

Revolutions, Riots, Uprisisngs

Let's start with a little trivia quiz. How many revolutions, riots, or uprisings occurred in the United States since and including the American Revolution? (see last page for the answer) What prompted the people to band together in a common cause and rise up in protest against their government, or their employer(s) or class within their society?

Some of the uprisings that have occurred in the US have resulted in armed conflict with horrendous loss of life of those protesting and those against whom they were protesting e.g. the American Revolution and the Civil War. Others have resulted in great loss of life within just one group, usually the protesters. Still others have resulted in only a few deaths or no loss of life.

Subsequent to virtually all of the uprisings however, changes were instituted via new laws written, new business practices adopted, social mores changed. As usual, it is far easier to reflect and understand or at least provide some "reasonable" explanation why the uprising occurred than it is to recognize that another uprising is possible or even imminent.

The folks who eventually banded together to attempt to change what they felt was a gross injustice to their way of life, may have individually worked to accomplish the same goal but without success. After being rebuffed by the person / agency to whom they may have gone for assistance, they may have attempted to seek out a different approach. In the process of their attempts to find relief, they probably met other folks who were faced with the same or similar problem(s). Therein is the basis in which a group is formed who then are able to "join forces" the result of which is a collection of "voices of discontent" that has far greater effect to reach the common goal.

A similar scenario is growing in our society today. How many times have you expressed your dissatisfaction with the present financial situation to your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers? How many times have any one of them or a combination of them expressed the same views to you? How many times have you overheard other folks, complete strangers to one another, discussing the situation? How many news broadcasts have you heard that speak to the same situation? Have you noticed that the frequency you hear the same complaints or perhaps join in verbalizing your thoughts has increased?

The Democratic and Republican political parties are and have been just about the only two "games in town". The other evening's news however introduced the viewer to a third ,fast growing, political force that may just give the other two a run for their money. It was said that the new group has grown out of many small "Tea Party" groups and if it continues to grow at the same rate, will have a great impact on both of the current political parties.

This writer is not fomenting a revolution or civil disobedience but if the current politicians in our State capitol refuse to listen to and comply with their constituents' cries for positive change, it is possible, if not probable, that the governed will, in some fashion, rise up and rid themselves of those politicians who evidently consider themselves as "untouchable".

While the Republican contenders for governorship have been reduced by one, Jim Gerlach, the party and the media continue to ignore the one candidate who alone has outlined a platform that will fulfill the voters' hopes for a government in our State that delivers leadership qualities. That candidate is Sam Rohrer. Go to for more information about the man and his plans for a truthful, ethical form of government.

All those who are residents of Pennsylvania are invited to attend a Town Meeting at the Firehouse in Christiana, PA scheduled for 11 FEB 10 at 6:30 PM. The Firehouse is located on S. Bridge St in Christiana. The main speaker will be Sam Rohrer who will outline his 5 point platform. Hopefully, you will be able to attend.

The answer to the number of uprisings in the US since the American Revolution is 12. They are as follows:

1. 1775 - American Revolution against British rule

2. 1810 - West Florida rebellion against Spain

3. 1835 - Texas Revolution against Mexico

4. 1847 - Taos revolt New Mexico

5. 1861 - American Civil War

6. 1862 - The Sioux uprising in Minnesota

7. 1863 - The New York draft riots

8. 1898 -White Supremacists oust City government of Wilmington N.C.

9. 1914 - Ten Days War - Colorado miners vs National Guard

10. 1917 - Green Corn Rebellion in Oklahoma

11. 1921 - Battle of Blair mountain in VA

12. 1955- Nonviolent Demonstration - bus boycott in Birmingham, Alabama

Semper Fidelis

Nurse John

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