How many of us are there who think about "time"? It is one of the things in our lives we cannot change. Some of wish we were able to "go back" in time and change something we said or did not say, something we did or did not do. Historically, much effort has been expended by many to develop various means by which we could just measure time. There have been scores of devices invented to allow us to keep track of time. Some events in history may have occurred differently if only time had not been a factor. Our daily lives are dictated by time. We may arise at a specific time to accomplish a task, eat at a specific time, retire at a specified time, etc.
Our introduction to time begins with our conception and ends when we take our last breath. What we do with the time between those two events defines who we are. Some of us are very conscious of time and others seem to take very little notice of it. Regardless of our awareness, or lack thereof, time marches on. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, and so on. We cannot change the speed that time passes us by. When we were children, we could not wait until we were "old enough" to be granted a particular privilege. As we grew older, again we looked forward to attaining a certain age when we were old enough to drive, to date, etc.
Although we continued to grow older, it may have seemed that we had "run out of things" to which we could look forward. Finally we reached that time in our lives when we began to reflect
and perhaps wished we "had more time available" to accomplish goals that had gone undone.
It is said that, "Timing is everything"!! And so it is!! I chose to draw your attention to time given the relative speed with which time appears to escape our notice and too late we realize that we should have, could have, would have, but failed to remain aware. For example, how many days do we have until the primary election on 18 MAY? Only 107 days left!!
So what?? What's the big deal?? The "big deal" is that we may just become the big winner or the big loser on that day. The choice is ours. For some of us, there may be others we should consider however. Some of us have families who will have to bear the result of our choice if we fail to consider the possible ramifications. The winner's choice will be the one who chooses to "earn" anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000 for about 15 minutes "work"!!!
How can one "earn" that much for just 15 minutes work? Each and every one of us who votes for Sam Rohrer on that day will be a winner. Only he has offered us that chance of all the candidates for Governorship of our State.
If, for whatever reason, we choose to vote for anyone else, we'll find ourselves weeping and gnashing our teeth in the months and years that follow. One can only hope that each and every one of us make the right decision.
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Why Should I Vote?
In order to provide some basis on which to answer the question posed above, it is necessary to look at a number of "reasons/excuses" most often used to "explain/justify" why so many folks do not take advantage of a right that is denied to peoples of other lands
The first of the "reasons/excuses" involves the use of two different terms that will reveal an answer. The two terms are forms of "reasoning", something that is elusive for some of us but is essential if we wish to arrive at a decision that will benefit us. I'll give a simplified example for each of the terms and then give an explanation to the question above.
Deductive Reasoning
If I was to say that I had observed that all 65 year old women who were grandmothers rocked in green rocking chairs, I could then say that if my mother becomes a grandmother and reaches 65 years of age, she will rock in a green rocking chair.
Inductive Reasoning
If I was to say that I had observed that when my mother became a grandmother and reached 65 years of age, she rocked in a green rocking chair. I could then imagine that when all mothers become grandmothers and reach 65 years of age, they too will rock in green rocking chairs.
In the first hypothetical scenario, the reasoning that was applied used the data based on the general observation (all 65 yr old grandmothers) and applied it to a specific example (my mother). in the second hypothetical scenario however, the reasoning used the data based on a specific example (my mother) and applied it to the general (all mothers). If mathematics was used to compare the two forms of reasoning, it would be discovered that "Deductive reasoning" will provide results that most often are correct while "Inductive reasoning" will most often provide results that are not correct.
Quite often, when attempting to influence folks to cast their vote for Sam Rohrer, they will reply,"He's just another one of those politicians who make promises and then, after being elected, never deliver what they promised. Why should I waste my time voting for him?" Or they may say, "They're all just a bunch of crooks, taking my money and stuffing it in their own pockets".
The folks who may make either or both of those statements are using Inductive Reasoning. They are using data from just a few examples and applying it to the general population of politicians. Their conclusion is then flawed and results in their decision not to vote at all.
The second of the reasons/excuses folks use to explain/justify not voting is a form of a pathologic physiological condition in which the individual is unable or unwilling to attempt to arrive at a decision regarding any situation in which they feel they are not able to influence the outcome. As a result, they appear to accept the world around them even if the circumstances result in causing them any degree of physical discomfort, monetary loss, etc.
A third reason/excuse is that demands on and/or interests in other activities leave little or no time for them to even consider voting. Those folks usually have some difficulty in prioritizing what should be most important to them.
There are perhaps quite a number of other reasons, real or imagined, why some folks do not vote the result of which is they are subject to whatever the outcome. Some of them are satisfied with the result of the election and others are not. Those who are not will then spend the next period of time (years) complaining about the outcome of the election in which they chose not to participate. Do they have Masochistic tendencies? Did they perhaps feel so uninformed about the candidates they were "afraid" to cast their vote thinking that they may accidentally choose the "wrong" candidate?
At this point, I refer you to a previous blog "Habit", Something Good or Bad? (30 OCT 09). It gives the reader guidelines how to identify their local politicians. Once they are identified, their names will be able to be compared with a list of those politicians who have "signed on" to support the School/Property Tax Elimination Act (SPTEA). I will provide the names of those who have "signed on" in the next blog. If you do not see your politician's name on the list, they did not "sign on". Gee, I guess that means if you don't see your politician's name on the list I provide, they are either "against" the SPTEA concept or they were just too lazy (indifferent) to "sign on" but either way they ain't with us so they must be agin us!!
The act is formally known as House bill 1275, and was introduced by Sam Rohrer (R) of Berks Cnty. Sam Rohrer has not been successful in his attempts over the past five years to have the bill passed into law because of "wrong - headed" thinking by his fellow politicians in Harrisburg. Mr. Rohrer is now a candidate for the Governorship of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Rohrer is running a "grassroots" campaign. He is running against Tom Corbett, the State's Attorney General. Mr. Corbett has been endorsed by the State's Republican Party. It is believed by this writer the Republican Party has totally ignored Sam Rohrer because he is not one of the "good old boys". Since Mr. Corbett has the party's "blessing", he has access to all the party has to offer including funding for his campaign. Meanwhile, Mr. Rohrer will receive no help from the party because he is "cut from a different cloth" and doesn't march in lock step with those "good old boys".
Scott Brown carried Massachusetts, Chris Christie won in New Jersey, and Bob McDonnell won in Virginia!!! None of them were expected to win anything. So why did they carry the day? Because of a grassroots movement of "fed up" folks who have not had their politician's ear for too long. Those folks were and are sick and tired of broken promises, unethical behavior, and a lack luster history of a bunch of "do-nothings" supposedly looking out for their constituents.
It's time we Pennsylvanians picked ourselves by the bootstraps and took charge of our broken State government!! We should do it!! We can do it!! We must do it!! All we have to do is get rid of those "good old boys" who have lost touch with reality and who don't give a whit about us, the people who put them into office to lead us and to look out for our welfare.
The moment of truth is here!!! Only 104 days left until the primary election on 18 MAY 10. Please, please, please, spread Sam's name to one and all: relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone else you can tell about Sam's plans for the return of truthfulness in our State's government. Make sure you give them his web address, . While you're at it, why not give them the web address of the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition www.PTCC.US . Between the two addresses, they will be able to learn why they should not only vote but for whom they should cast their vote.
In order to assure Sam wins the MAY primary over the party's "anointed" Tom Corbett, I'm asking you to do something that some of you would rather commit Sepaku rather than do what I'm asking. Think of the goal and be ready to prioritize!! OK, here goes. I'm asking all the folks who are registered Democrats, of which I was one, to re-register as Republican before the MAY primary. You can change back, if so disposed, after the primary.
Why am I asking this? The first step to have Sam win the election in November is to have him win the primary election on 18 MAY. If we can't successfully get him through the primary election, he is not the only one who will have lost!! We all will have lost!! It will be "business as usual" in Harrisburg and we will only have ourselves to blame!!!
You will not be able to vote for Sam in the primary election if you are registered as a Democrat. If you would write his name in, it would not count!!! You must be registered as a Republican to vote for Sam in the primary election on MAY 18th. If you want to change back to a Democrat registration after the primary election, it's OK. You will be able to vote for Sam in the general election in November even if you are registered as a Democrat. But, you won't be able to vote for him in November if his name is not on the ballot!!! It's only in the primary election you need to be registered as a Republican.
Changing your registration is not difficult. Go to the web address and look on the right of the monitor screen. You'll see a small block with the text "VOTE - register to vote or change your party affiliation - click here". When you click on the "click here, a text will be shown. The fourth paragraph up from the bottom begins "Registering to vote" - - . The next sentence states "Download the voter registration application here . Click on the word "here". An official registration form will appear on your screen. You can then print it and fill it out. Make sure to mail it out no later than 30 days before the election. To be safe, I'd mail it no later than 14 APR. That gives you a 4 day cushion
Last, but not least, a Town Meeting is offered on 11 FEB at 6:30 PM at the Firehouse in Christiana, PA. Sam Rohrer will be there to explain his plans for his leadership as the Governor of PA. All are welcome.
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
The first of the "reasons/excuses" involves the use of two different terms that will reveal an answer. The two terms are forms of "reasoning", something that is elusive for some of us but is essential if we wish to arrive at a decision that will benefit us. I'll give a simplified example for each of the terms and then give an explanation to the question above.
Deductive Reasoning
If I was to say that I had observed that all 65 year old women who were grandmothers rocked in green rocking chairs, I could then say that if my mother becomes a grandmother and reaches 65 years of age, she will rock in a green rocking chair.
Inductive Reasoning
If I was to say that I had observed that when my mother became a grandmother and reached 65 years of age, she rocked in a green rocking chair. I could then imagine that when all mothers become grandmothers and reach 65 years of age, they too will rock in green rocking chairs.
In the first hypothetical scenario, the reasoning that was applied used the data based on the general observation (all 65 yr old grandmothers) and applied it to a specific example (my mother). in the second hypothetical scenario however, the reasoning used the data based on a specific example (my mother) and applied it to the general (all mothers). If mathematics was used to compare the two forms of reasoning, it would be discovered that "Deductive reasoning" will provide results that most often are correct while "Inductive reasoning" will most often provide results that are not correct.
Quite often, when attempting to influence folks to cast their vote for Sam Rohrer, they will reply,"He's just another one of those politicians who make promises and then, after being elected, never deliver what they promised. Why should I waste my time voting for him?" Or they may say, "They're all just a bunch of crooks, taking my money and stuffing it in their own pockets".
The folks who may make either or both of those statements are using Inductive Reasoning. They are using data from just a few examples and applying it to the general population of politicians. Their conclusion is then flawed and results in their decision not to vote at all.
The second of the reasons/excuses folks use to explain/justify not voting is a form of a pathologic physiological condition in which the individual is unable or unwilling to attempt to arrive at a decision regarding any situation in which they feel they are not able to influence the outcome. As a result, they appear to accept the world around them even if the circumstances result in causing them any degree of physical discomfort, monetary loss, etc.
A third reason/excuse is that demands on and/or interests in other activities leave little or no time for them to even consider voting. Those folks usually have some difficulty in prioritizing what should be most important to them.
There are perhaps quite a number of other reasons, real or imagined, why some folks do not vote the result of which is they are subject to whatever the outcome. Some of them are satisfied with the result of the election and others are not. Those who are not will then spend the next period of time (years) complaining about the outcome of the election in which they chose not to participate. Do they have Masochistic tendencies? Did they perhaps feel so uninformed about the candidates they were "afraid" to cast their vote thinking that they may accidentally choose the "wrong" candidate?
At this point, I refer you to a previous blog "Habit", Something Good or Bad? (30 OCT 09). It gives the reader guidelines how to identify their local politicians. Once they are identified, their names will be able to be compared with a list of those politicians who have "signed on" to support the School/Property Tax Elimination Act (SPTEA). I will provide the names of those who have "signed on" in the next blog. If you do not see your politician's name on the list, they did not "sign on". Gee, I guess that means if you don't see your politician's name on the list I provide, they are either "against" the SPTEA concept or they were just too lazy (indifferent) to "sign on" but either way they ain't with us so they must be agin us!!
The act is formally known as House bill 1275, and was introduced by Sam Rohrer (R) of Berks Cnty. Sam Rohrer has not been successful in his attempts over the past five years to have the bill passed into law because of "wrong - headed" thinking by his fellow politicians in Harrisburg. Mr. Rohrer is now a candidate for the Governorship of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Rohrer is running a "grassroots" campaign. He is running against Tom Corbett, the State's Attorney General. Mr. Corbett has been endorsed by the State's Republican Party. It is believed by this writer the Republican Party has totally ignored Sam Rohrer because he is not one of the "good old boys". Since Mr. Corbett has the party's "blessing", he has access to all the party has to offer including funding for his campaign. Meanwhile, Mr. Rohrer will receive no help from the party because he is "cut from a different cloth" and doesn't march in lock step with those "good old boys".
Scott Brown carried Massachusetts, Chris Christie won in New Jersey, and Bob McDonnell won in Virginia!!! None of them were expected to win anything. So why did they carry the day? Because of a grassroots movement of "fed up" folks who have not had their politician's ear for too long. Those folks were and are sick and tired of broken promises, unethical behavior, and a lack luster history of a bunch of "do-nothings" supposedly looking out for their constituents.
It's time we Pennsylvanians picked ourselves by the bootstraps and took charge of our broken State government!! We should do it!! We can do it!! We must do it!! All we have to do is get rid of those "good old boys" who have lost touch with reality and who don't give a whit about us, the people who put them into office to lead us and to look out for our welfare.
The moment of truth is here!!! Only 104 days left until the primary election on 18 MAY 10. Please, please, please, spread Sam's name to one and all: relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone else you can tell about Sam's plans for the return of truthfulness in our State's government. Make sure you give them his web address, . While you're at it, why not give them the web address of the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition www.PTCC.US . Between the two addresses, they will be able to learn why they should not only vote but for whom they should cast their vote.
In order to assure Sam wins the MAY primary over the party's "anointed" Tom Corbett, I'm asking you to do something that some of you would rather commit Sepaku rather than do what I'm asking. Think of the goal and be ready to prioritize!! OK, here goes. I'm asking all the folks who are registered Democrats, of which I was one, to re-register as Republican before the MAY primary. You can change back, if so disposed, after the primary.
Why am I asking this? The first step to have Sam win the election in November is to have him win the primary election on 18 MAY. If we can't successfully get him through the primary election, he is not the only one who will have lost!! We all will have lost!! It will be "business as usual" in Harrisburg and we will only have ourselves to blame!!!
You will not be able to vote for Sam in the primary election if you are registered as a Democrat. If you would write his name in, it would not count!!! You must be registered as a Republican to vote for Sam in the primary election on MAY 18th. If you want to change back to a Democrat registration after the primary election, it's OK. You will be able to vote for Sam in the general election in November even if you are registered as a Democrat. But, you won't be able to vote for him in November if his name is not on the ballot!!! It's only in the primary election you need to be registered as a Republican.
Changing your registration is not difficult. Go to the web address and look on the right of the monitor screen. You'll see a small block with the text "VOTE - register to vote or change your party affiliation - click here". When you click on the "click here, a text will be shown. The fourth paragraph up from the bottom begins "Registering to vote" - - . The next sentence states "Download the voter registration application here . Click on the word "here". An official registration form will appear on your screen. You can then print it and fill it out. Make sure to mail it out no later than 30 days before the election. To be safe, I'd mail it no later than 14 APR. That gives you a 4 day cushion
Last, but not least, a Town Meeting is offered on 11 FEB at 6:30 PM at the Firehouse in Christiana, PA. Sam Rohrer will be there to explain his plans for his leadership as the Governor of PA. All are welcome.
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones but _ _ _
The remaining words of the phrase shown in the title of this blog are: "Names Will Never Hurt Me". I can remember hearing my mother tell me that phrase when I told her that some of my peers had taunted me with words that felt like I was crushed.
It is a well known tactic used by some to divert others' attention from the true facts. An example that demonstrates that phenomenon follows. In a court case, either the defense or prosecuting attorney may make a statement that immediately plants a mental picture in the jurors' minds. Even though the judge may order the statement stricken from the record, it is impossible to erase it from the jurors' minds. Do you know anyone who always, or at least most often, blames others for situations that in truth were caused by the one who initiated the accusations?
We are about to witness many examples of political negativism that are intended to plant an idea in the prospective voters' minds that the candidate about whom the accusations are made is not fit to be in the office for which they are running. The spot ads we will soon see on our TV's paint a very gloomy picture that at some point become almost nauseating. The end result is that we have no clear idea for whom we should cast our vote, if we vote at all.
In the 2010 Pennsylvania race for the Governorship, it promises to be a one sided contest because one of the two Republican candidates has stated that, "You'll never see a private investigator, staffer or intern who works for us, sifting through our opponent's personal or professional life in search of that backdoor to victory". What a refreshing idea!! It speaks volumes about the man and his ethics. It then remains for the other candidate to appear as though he "walks on water" as he and his staff manage to dig up or manufacture what they consider will be "believable facts" that are designed to influence the voters to vote for them.
What we all must consider is what the past record of accomplishment(s) is for each in comparison to what the demands of the office of governor are. In addition, we need to look at what the candidates stated plans are if they are voted in. As it is, only the one who has stated that they will not run a "negative" campaign has outlined what his plans are. His competitor seems to be depending on "name recognition" alone to carry him to victory. Perhaps you are swayed by that but for me, name recognition alone is not sufficient to expect my vote.
Another thought you should consider is that "We the People" are supposed to choose who we want to lead us. It would seem however that the Republican party big wheels are attempting to tell us for whom we should cast our vote!! We should have learned our lesson from past experience but one can only hope that history does not repeat itself. We definitely do not need, nor can we afford to retain the "good old boys" in office or we better know how to swim or we'll surely sink.
How many days are there until the primary election? Just 122 days until the primary on 18 MAY!!! We better get cracking and do all we can to make sure the man who has demonstrated, not just talked, a truhful and ethical political career gets our vote. Both in Florida and Massachusetts, the people have shown that they will prevail and have voted for the Conservative contestant. This promises to be a very big year for those politicians who have demonstrated their true concern for their constituants.
Until next week, Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
It is a well known tactic used by some to divert others' attention from the true facts. An example that demonstrates that phenomenon follows. In a court case, either the defense or prosecuting attorney may make a statement that immediately plants a mental picture in the jurors' minds. Even though the judge may order the statement stricken from the record, it is impossible to erase it from the jurors' minds. Do you know anyone who always, or at least most often, blames others for situations that in truth were caused by the one who initiated the accusations?
We are about to witness many examples of political negativism that are intended to plant an idea in the prospective voters' minds that the candidate about whom the accusations are made is not fit to be in the office for which they are running. The spot ads we will soon see on our TV's paint a very gloomy picture that at some point become almost nauseating. The end result is that we have no clear idea for whom we should cast our vote, if we vote at all.
In the 2010 Pennsylvania race for the Governorship, it promises to be a one sided contest because one of the two Republican candidates has stated that, "You'll never see a private investigator, staffer or intern who works for us, sifting through our opponent's personal or professional life in search of that backdoor to victory". What a refreshing idea!! It speaks volumes about the man and his ethics. It then remains for the other candidate to appear as though he "walks on water" as he and his staff manage to dig up or manufacture what they consider will be "believable facts" that are designed to influence the voters to vote for them.
What we all must consider is what the past record of accomplishment(s) is for each in comparison to what the demands of the office of governor are. In addition, we need to look at what the candidates stated plans are if they are voted in. As it is, only the one who has stated that they will not run a "negative" campaign has outlined what his plans are. His competitor seems to be depending on "name recognition" alone to carry him to victory. Perhaps you are swayed by that but for me, name recognition alone is not sufficient to expect my vote.
Another thought you should consider is that "We the People" are supposed to choose who we want to lead us. It would seem however that the Republican party big wheels are attempting to tell us for whom we should cast our vote!! We should have learned our lesson from past experience but one can only hope that history does not repeat itself. We definitely do not need, nor can we afford to retain the "good old boys" in office or we better know how to swim or we'll surely sink.
How many days are there until the primary election? Just 122 days until the primary on 18 MAY!!! We better get cracking and do all we can to make sure the man who has demonstrated, not just talked, a truhful and ethical political career gets our vote. Both in Florida and Massachusetts, the people have shown that they will prevail and have voted for the Conservative contestant. This promises to be a very big year for those politicians who have demonstrated their true concern for their constituants.
Until next week, Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Revolutions, Riots, Uprisisngs
Let's start with a little trivia quiz. How many revolutions, riots, or uprisings occurred in the United States since and including the American Revolution? (see last page for the answer) What prompted the people to band together in a common cause and rise up in protest against their government, or their employer(s) or class within their society?
Some of the uprisings that have occurred in the US have resulted in armed conflict with horrendous loss of life of those protesting and those against whom they were protesting e.g. the American Revolution and the Civil War. Others have resulted in great loss of life within just one group, usually the protesters. Still others have resulted in only a few deaths or no loss of life.
Subsequent to virtually all of the uprisings however, changes were instituted via new laws written, new business practices adopted, social mores changed. As usual, it is far easier to reflect and understand or at least provide some "reasonable" explanation why the uprising occurred than it is to recognize that another uprising is possible or even imminent.
The folks who eventually banded together to attempt to change what they felt was a gross injustice to their way of life, may have individually worked to accomplish the same goal but without success. After being rebuffed by the person / agency to whom they may have gone for assistance, they may have attempted to seek out a different approach. In the process of their attempts to find relief, they probably met other folks who were faced with the same or similar problem(s). Therein is the basis in which a group is formed who then are able to "join forces" the result of which is a collection of "voices of discontent" that has far greater effect to reach the common goal.
A similar scenario is growing in our society today. How many times have you expressed your dissatisfaction with the present financial situation to your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers? How many times have any one of them or a combination of them expressed the same views to you? How many times have you overheard other folks, complete strangers to one another, discussing the situation? How many news broadcasts have you heard that speak to the same situation? Have you noticed that the frequency you hear the same complaints or perhaps join in verbalizing your thoughts has increased?
The Democratic and Republican political parties are and have been just about the only two "games in town". The other evening's news however introduced the viewer to a third ,fast growing, political force that may just give the other two a run for their money. It was said that the new group has grown out of many small "Tea Party" groups and if it continues to grow at the same rate, will have a great impact on both of the current political parties.
This writer is not fomenting a revolution or civil disobedience but if the current politicians in our State capitol refuse to listen to and comply with their constituents' cries for positive change, it is possible, if not probable, that the governed will, in some fashion, rise up and rid themselves of those politicians who evidently consider themselves as "untouchable".
While the Republican contenders for governorship have been reduced by one, Jim Gerlach, the party and the media continue to ignore the one candidate who alone has outlined a platform that will fulfill the voters' hopes for a government in our State that delivers leadership qualities. That candidate is Sam Rohrer. Go to for more information about the man and his plans for a truthful, ethical form of government.
All those who are residents of Pennsylvania are invited to attend a Town Meeting at the Firehouse in Christiana, PA scheduled for 11 FEB 10 at 6:30 PM. The Firehouse is located on S. Bridge St in Christiana. The main speaker will be Sam Rohrer who will outline his 5 point platform. Hopefully, you will be able to attend.
The answer to the number of uprisings in the US since the American Revolution is 12. They are as follows:
1. 1775 - American Revolution against British rule
2. 1810 - West Florida rebellion against Spain
3. 1835 - Texas Revolution against Mexico
4. 1847 - Taos revolt New Mexico
5. 1861 - American Civil War
6. 1862 - The Sioux uprising in Minnesota
7. 1863 - The New York draft riots
8. 1898 -White Supremacists oust City government of Wilmington N.C.
9. 1914 - Ten Days War - Colorado miners vs National Guard
10. 1917 - Green Corn Rebellion in Oklahoma
11. 1921 - Battle of Blair mountain in VA
12. 1955- Nonviolent Demonstration - bus boycott in Birmingham, Alabama
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Some of the uprisings that have occurred in the US have resulted in armed conflict with horrendous loss of life of those protesting and those against whom they were protesting e.g. the American Revolution and the Civil War. Others have resulted in great loss of life within just one group, usually the protesters. Still others have resulted in only a few deaths or no loss of life.
Subsequent to virtually all of the uprisings however, changes were instituted via new laws written, new business practices adopted, social mores changed. As usual, it is far easier to reflect and understand or at least provide some "reasonable" explanation why the uprising occurred than it is to recognize that another uprising is possible or even imminent.
The folks who eventually banded together to attempt to change what they felt was a gross injustice to their way of life, may have individually worked to accomplish the same goal but without success. After being rebuffed by the person / agency to whom they may have gone for assistance, they may have attempted to seek out a different approach. In the process of their attempts to find relief, they probably met other folks who were faced with the same or similar problem(s). Therein is the basis in which a group is formed who then are able to "join forces" the result of which is a collection of "voices of discontent" that has far greater effect to reach the common goal.
A similar scenario is growing in our society today. How many times have you expressed your dissatisfaction with the present financial situation to your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers? How many times have any one of them or a combination of them expressed the same views to you? How many times have you overheard other folks, complete strangers to one another, discussing the situation? How many news broadcasts have you heard that speak to the same situation? Have you noticed that the frequency you hear the same complaints or perhaps join in verbalizing your thoughts has increased?
The Democratic and Republican political parties are and have been just about the only two "games in town". The other evening's news however introduced the viewer to a third ,fast growing, political force that may just give the other two a run for their money. It was said that the new group has grown out of many small "Tea Party" groups and if it continues to grow at the same rate, will have a great impact on both of the current political parties.
This writer is not fomenting a revolution or civil disobedience but if the current politicians in our State capitol refuse to listen to and comply with their constituents' cries for positive change, it is possible, if not probable, that the governed will, in some fashion, rise up and rid themselves of those politicians who evidently consider themselves as "untouchable".
While the Republican contenders for governorship have been reduced by one, Jim Gerlach, the party and the media continue to ignore the one candidate who alone has outlined a platform that will fulfill the voters' hopes for a government in our State that delivers leadership qualities. That candidate is Sam Rohrer. Go to for more information about the man and his plans for a truthful, ethical form of government.
All those who are residents of Pennsylvania are invited to attend a Town Meeting at the Firehouse in Christiana, PA scheduled for 11 FEB 10 at 6:30 PM. The Firehouse is located on S. Bridge St in Christiana. The main speaker will be Sam Rohrer who will outline his 5 point platform. Hopefully, you will be able to attend.
The answer to the number of uprisings in the US since the American Revolution is 12. They are as follows:
1. 1775 - American Revolution against British rule
2. 1810 - West Florida rebellion against Spain
3. 1835 - Texas Revolution against Mexico
4. 1847 - Taos revolt New Mexico
5. 1861 - American Civil War
6. 1862 - The Sioux uprising in Minnesota
7. 1863 - The New York draft riots
8. 1898 -White Supremacists oust City government of Wilmington N.C.
9. 1914 - Ten Days War - Colorado miners vs National Guard
10. 1917 - Green Corn Rebellion in Oklahoma
11. 1921 - Battle of Blair mountain in VA
12. 1955- Nonviolent Demonstration - bus boycott in Birmingham, Alabama
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Friday, January 1, 2010
Gung Hey Fa Choy
The title of this week's blog is a Chinese phrase that simply means "Good Wishes" or in this case, "Happy New Year"!! The phrase is spelled phonetically. I typed it as it sounds when verbalized.
Rather than focus on the rather dismal past year, let's turn our attention to this year. Let's begin planning to work on making this year a memorable and positive one!! In the past postings, I have attempted to give some insight on the major problem(s) facing those of us who are residents in Pennsylvania and how we can change our lot. In the postings to come, I will attempt to keep everyone abreast of the current happenings and shifting within the political arena of our State. It should be a most interesting year.
I presume that everyone's interest will be on the various contenders for governorship of our State. Oh, you didn't know? Our present governor, Eddie Spendell, will not be in office next year!! There are a number of contenders for his office some of whom are supported by their respective parties. Let's not make the same mistake(s) again by voting for a bunch of losers who apparently care very little for their constituents but take care of themselves very well!! It would be to your benefit to look at the web site for up to date news articles on the political scene of Pennsylvania.
As we draw closer to the Primary Election in the spring, the number of contenders for each of the political offices will have been whittled down to the real choices we all have to get some real honest-to-goodness folks in office. Let's not fritter away our time, just 4 months, till the primary to begin to become interested in the business of our decision making process relative to who we know (not guess) will lead our State in a positive direction.
In case you forgot to, or simply did not take the opportunity to tell all your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else about the www.PTCC.US web site or the blog address or the web address , please make every effort to seize every opportunity you can to be an educator. Some of us seem to be "too busy" to find the time to talk to others about how we can dig ourselves out of the bottomless hole in which our society finds itself. Borrowing from Ben Franklin, "We either hang together, or we hang separately". Let's be a "Good Samaritan" (Luke 10:30-37) and take the time to tell our "brother(s)" about the web addresses noted above. If the one(s) to whom you are talking do not have a computer, why not invite them to look at yours or at least tell them where they can see the web sites. Most libraries have computers but, because of our current leaders, are not open for business as many days or hours as they were.
Talking about libraries reminds me of a rather old movie that, if you have not seen it, would be great to watch. The title is "Fahrenheit 451". Although the story line is fictional, there are a number of factual cases worldwide when the citizens were deprived of reading materials that would have provided them with a greater sphere of knowledge. Some of those conditions exist today!!
I'll wind up this blog with a list of the blogs posted last year:
Post Date Title
9 OCT Are You Fed Up Yet?
16 OCT Receiving Objective Criticism
23 OCT Easy Come, Easy Go
26 OCT Easy Come, Easy Go (correction)
30 OCT "Habit", Something Good or Bad?
6 NOV Phase Two to Save $
13 NOV Mixed Bag of Events
20 NOV The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
27 NOV Twas the Night Before Christmas
4 DEC Sheep, Ostrich, Falcon or Owl?
11 DEC Need vs Want
20 DEC Excision - To Excise
27 DEC New Year's Resolutions
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
Rather than focus on the rather dismal past year, let's turn our attention to this year. Let's begin planning to work on making this year a memorable and positive one!! In the past postings, I have attempted to give some insight on the major problem(s) facing those of us who are residents in Pennsylvania and how we can change our lot. In the postings to come, I will attempt to keep everyone abreast of the current happenings and shifting within the political arena of our State. It should be a most interesting year.
I presume that everyone's interest will be on the various contenders for governorship of our State. Oh, you didn't know? Our present governor, Eddie Spendell, will not be in office next year!! There are a number of contenders for his office some of whom are supported by their respective parties. Let's not make the same mistake(s) again by voting for a bunch of losers who apparently care very little for their constituents but take care of themselves very well!! It would be to your benefit to look at the web site for up to date news articles on the political scene of Pennsylvania.
As we draw closer to the Primary Election in the spring, the number of contenders for each of the political offices will have been whittled down to the real choices we all have to get some real honest-to-goodness folks in office. Let's not fritter away our time, just 4 months, till the primary to begin to become interested in the business of our decision making process relative to who we know (not guess) will lead our State in a positive direction.
In case you forgot to, or simply did not take the opportunity to tell all your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else about the www.PTCC.US web site or the blog address or the web address , please make every effort to seize every opportunity you can to be an educator. Some of us seem to be "too busy" to find the time to talk to others about how we can dig ourselves out of the bottomless hole in which our society finds itself. Borrowing from Ben Franklin, "We either hang together, or we hang separately". Let's be a "Good Samaritan" (Luke 10:30-37) and take the time to tell our "brother(s)" about the web addresses noted above. If the one(s) to whom you are talking do not have a computer, why not invite them to look at yours or at least tell them where they can see the web sites. Most libraries have computers but, because of our current leaders, are not open for business as many days or hours as they were.
Talking about libraries reminds me of a rather old movie that, if you have not seen it, would be great to watch. The title is "Fahrenheit 451". Although the story line is fictional, there are a number of factual cases worldwide when the citizens were deprived of reading materials that would have provided them with a greater sphere of knowledge. Some of those conditions exist today!!
I'll wind up this blog with a list of the blogs posted last year:
Post Date Title
9 OCT Are You Fed Up Yet?
16 OCT Receiving Objective Criticism
23 OCT Easy Come, Easy Go
26 OCT Easy Come, Easy Go (correction)
30 OCT "Habit", Something Good or Bad?
6 NOV Phase Two to Save $
13 NOV Mixed Bag of Events
20 NOV The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
27 NOV Twas the Night Before Christmas
4 DEC Sheep, Ostrich, Falcon or Owl?
11 DEC Need vs Want
20 DEC Excision - To Excise
27 DEC New Year's Resolutions
Semper Fidelis
Nurse John
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