Friday, October 16, 2009

Receiving Objective Criticism

Who To Blame?

I imagine that many of us fall into that category of folks who, when something goes wrong, tend to identify someone else on whom to place the blame. The only one in history I know of who "owned up" to a error was George Washington. When his father asked him, "George, did you chop down the cherry tree?". George answered, "Yes father, I chopped down the cherry tree". How many of us would have told the truth if we had been in George's shoes?

In the first blog posting, "Are you "Fed Up" Yet?" (9 OCT 09), I alluded to "two issues that are affecting us now and will have a greater affect in the near future". In this posting, I will identify the first of the issues and make recommendations how we can change the outcome to a positive one.

History of the Problem

During Governor Ridge's tenure, a law was passed that guaranteed the public school teachers' pension fund would earn "x" %. When the national fiscal debacle hit, virtually everyone's pension savings were negatively affected, including the teachers'. Under Governor Rendell's "leadership", means to deal with the problem were deferred until 2012 (the Ostrich syndrome). I don't have the actual figure but we're talking BILLIONS of dollars (reported in the Lancaster Sunday News, 24 MAY 09)!! Remember, by law, the fund's loss has to be made up. Now who do you believe will be expected to make up the shortfall? The current estimate of the expected rise of property/school taxes for 2012 is in the neighborhood of 20 to 30%!! It is also expected that in the years after that, there will be raises as well. Who should we blame for this? The teachers? NO. The politicians? Well, maybe. Who else then?

The Real Culprit(s)

We only have ourselves to blame!! Yep, that's right. Let's be honest. Let's "own up" to our tendency to most often take the "easy way out". What am I talking about you ask? How many of us are able to name our local politicians? Even if we know their names, what do we know about their values? Is any effort made by us to "know all about" whoever we are going to vote into a position that just may come back to bite us? What are their achievements (if any) starting from their first day in any political position? Do we even vote or are we "too busy"? For some obscure reason, do we always vote a "straight ticket" (Democratic or Republican)? Perhaps, those of us who do is because it "takes too long" to vote for individuals on the ballot. It's a lot easier to just vote a "straight ticket" even though we may know of a few individuals on the ticket about whom we know nothing or we do know they will not serve honorably/ethically . Maybe we are "dyed in the wool" Democrats or Republicans. Why? Do we think that we'll go to Hell or that we will be dishonoring our parents' beliefs if we split our vote. If we're old enough to vote, then we are also old enough to think and to question. C'mon, let's show some chutzpah, some backbone, some courage to do what down deep, we know we should do. This is our country!!! Countless men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice to provide our nation with, among other things, the right to vote and to vote right. Let us not dishonor them by being like a sheep and being led to slaughter. Don't allow some in political office dictate that we should lose our homes because they initiated a scenario in which many, and soon to be most, of us will have to not just sacrifice but will have to apply for welfare. Ha! Who am I kidding? How can the government expect to support more of us when they couldn't take care of those of us who have already hit rock bottom?

How To Solve The Problem

Certainly, we cannot expect to solve the problem "overnight". Remember, there were two problem issues mentioned in my first blog. We'll deal with the second issue in the coming postings of my blog. OK, let's turn our attention to the first issue noted above. In next week's posting, I'll show the names of folks who we can target for our vote in the upcoming election. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of those outside of my own district. Not to worry though. I'll give you a means by which you identify the names of all politicians in Pennsylvania and how you can contact them. You can then call them by phone or e-mail them or both with your concerns. Call them once. NO, I don't mean just "once". I mean once a day (or more if you desire).

Are you familiar with the technique employed by many children to get what they want. Perhaps you were one of those children so you won't need any practice!! Yep, that's right. Pester, hound, harass, heckle, badger and annoy your local politicians with your complaints until, like parents, they finally listen to not just you but all of your friends, neighbors, family, co-workers and everyone else you can enlist to lend their voices to effect a change in the manner in which they (the politicians) have been doing business!!!

Following is a web site that will provide tons of information including a means by which to identify your local politicians: www.PTCC.US (Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition). On the left side is a link "Find your Legislator". Click on this link and you will see a page that allows you to find your Legislator 3 ways - by zip code, by county, or by a map (just click on the map). If you know folks that do not have a computer, please don't hesitate to assist them to identify their local politicians. If you know someone in another county, call them and give them the information provided in this blog. You'll be doing them, yourself, and all of us a favor.

In addition, you should take every opportunity to attend any "Town Meetings" offered by the media. Usually they will ask if anyone has any questions. Be ready to stand up and ask all present, "Are you happy with your property/school taxes?" You can bet there will be none who answer, "Yes". You can then launch into a statement that contains information you have gleaned from these bogs and the PTCC.US web site. Make sure you give all present the www.PTCC.US web address. Another source of information is whatever local newspaper that may still exist. In fact, you can go to your local politicians, after making an appointment, and ask all the questions you have. Take note how they answer you. Do they just "dance around the bush" with their answers? Ask them how they voted on various issues. Remember, there is a "Right to Know' law in Pennsylvania.

If you have any question for me, contact me at johnjhere@gmail,com . Good luck with your efforts. I'd be interested to know how many folks to whom you gave the PTCC.US address and the county in which you live.

Semper Fidelis

Nurse John

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