Sunday, March 21, 2010

Down from the top or Up from the bottom?

This writer has worked as a draftsman and usually draws scale drawings of any project before starting to build. When studying architecture, it is a forgone conclusion that the first of the drawings for any structure will be of the foundation. As each drawing of the set is drawn, the structure rises up from the foundation. So it is in Naval architecture, the keel, the "backbone of the ship" is laid first. The hull, decks, bulkheads, and overheads follow in order with the superstructure last.

Apparently Mr. Robert Gleason does not have any knowledge of construction. Rather than building (or rebuilding) the Republican party from the bottom up, he chose to start from the top down. As he will soon see, the structure he is attempting to build will fall like a "house of cards".

The top with which he started to build is with someone who definitely has "name recognition" but absolutely no experience in the day to day system of government. It is interesting to note that Tom Corbett, our Attorney General, someone who supposedly knows the law, would allow his campaign to lower their, and his, level by attempting to torpedo his competitor with negative rhetoric. Does he not realize that by doing so, he is in effect torpedoing himself?

What a pair, an incompetent architect and a professional who apparently knows little of the English language and the basics of ethical behavior. Yet, these two are hoping to sway the hearts and minds of the voter to rocket them into a winning position!! This writer knows not the team who are coaching Tom as he stumbles along, allowing himself to be dragged down into oblivion, but at some point, it is hoped that he will realize that he has been duped by the incompetent architect and his gang of malcontents.

On the other hand, there is hope. Another architect is in the process of drawing a set of plans for a government for our State the like of which has not been seen for many years. Unlike Mr. Gleason, this architect is starting from the ground up. His structure, when completed, will stand the test of time. His plans do not include any deviations from sound engineering principals. Rather than compromising on any detail that will have to be replanned and then rebuilt, his design will first examine every possible weak element and discard it before it detracts from the finished structure. The architect for this structure is singularly equipped to design and construct a government for our State. He is Sam Rohrer.

While the structure's design by Robert Gleason may at first appear more esthetic, this writer cautions any who may be tempted to enter. This writer therefore recommends the structure by Sam Rohrer as the better engineered and therefore the safer to enter and occupy. You are more than welcome to be one of the occupants of the Sam Rohrer state of the art of engineering principals structure. Your application to be one of the tenants is your vote on 18 APR 10.

Semper Fidelis

Nurse John

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